video memoirs

Creating a video about you and your life to pass on to future generations may not be something you’ve considered before, but the families of those who we’ve created “video memoirs” for have been overjoyed and incredibly thankful.

Something most of us fear as we get older is being forgotten; not having a legacy strong enough to withstand the test of time. You want your grandchildren to know who you are and what life was like for you. You want your great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren to know too! More importantly, they WANT to know. You can give your family the greatest treasure of all, you can give them the stories of your life.

Our team at Garage 16 can help you delicately sift through old memories and funny stories, sad moments and great achievements, present you on camera in a relaxed and charismatic manner, and include lots of photos and family videos you may have, all to make a wonderful video of your life so far for all of your loved ones to enjoy.